Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful!
God, I’ll never comprehend them!
I couldn’t even begin to count them—
any more than I could count the sand of the sea.
Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you!
Psalm 139:17-18
Inner Healing Prayer
What to Expect from Your Encounter
A gentle, grace-filled encounter with God
Learn to Inquire of God through questions
God to answer you directly through what you hear, see, and sense spiritually
Forgive those who hurt you
Renew your mind to truth about who you are, who God is, and about your situation
Remove the legal rights of the enemy & appropriate the finished work of the cross (repentance & renounce)
Your heart to be more healed
Freedom from emotional wounds, strongholds, and limiting beliefs
A greater sense of who you are to God and who He is to you
A more intimate connection with Father God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit
Plan for approximately two hours for your session. Try to not schedule anything following your encounter to allow time to rest and spend quiet time with God; it is normal to feel tired, peaceful, and lighter afterward.
Inner Healing vs. Counseling
Professional counseling is grounded in behavioral science. There is an emerging recognition among behavioral healthcare professionals that it is important to include a client’s spiritual, religious beliefs and practices (SRBP) within the therapeutic structure.
Inner healing prayer is a way to incorporate one's SRBP into counseling. It is not a professional counseling tool but a spiritual intervention. It is a time of interacting with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for wholeness and connection. It recognizes God as the counselor, healer, and change agent. Inner healing prayer shifts the focus from talking about God in counseling to helping you talk directly to Him, allowing you to experience His healing presence and power (Margret Nagib, Ph.D., 2013).
Although inner healing prayer and professional counseling are different, they complement each other beautifully in a Christian setting. It can be done independently or in conjunction with counseling by inviting God into the session and allowing Him to do the healing work. Counseling can help you learn to walk out the freedom you received in inner healing prayer.
If you desire to receive inner healing through HJCC, contact Malika to schedule an appointment.
Biblical Foundation
Although inner healing is not mentioned in scripture, the concept is everywhere:
He will bring light to what is hidden in darkness -Daniel 2:22; I Corinthians 4:5b
He is near and heals the brokenhearted -Luke 4:18; Psalms 34:18; 147:3
He desires you to pour out your complaints to Him -Psalms 142:2; 102:1
Confessing sins to one another and praying for each other results in healing -James 5:16
Casting out demons -Mark 16:17
Inviting God to search your heart -Psalms 139:23; Jeremiah 17:10
The Holy Spirit is your counselor and will lead you into truth and wisdom -John 14:16-17a
Renewing your mind produces change in your life -Romans 12:2
Speaking prophetic encouragement -I Thessalonians 5:20
Releasing the captives -Luke 4:18
Taking thoughts captive -II Corinthians 10:5
Forgiveness -Ephesians 4:32
Renouncing past sinful practices -II Corinthians 4:2
If you call on God, He will answer -Jeremiah 33:3
Bearing one another’s burdens -Galatians 6:2
Speaking truth to someone -Ephesians 4:15
Setting free the oppressed -Luke 4:18
Comforting the afflicted with what God has shown us -II Corinthians 1:4